Age does not dictate
A good person
Intelligence does not dictate
A good heart
Money does not
Circumstances do not
A good person is born
Like a star
An explosion of energy and fire
And much like stars
Many are taken for granted
There is one difference
Between a man of intelligence
And a simple man
A man of intelligence has no excuse
In being a bad person
Has no place
In putting anyone to shame
Where a simple man
Only knows the nature of things
He or She was born into
It cannot be expected of the low minded
To be good
Simply because they are
But it is expected of those
Who should know better
Those who take from the simple
And use their intellect
For more sinister purposes
A wise man
Is burdened
To lead the unwise
He or She
Is burdened
To be
A good
Well done. You are a wordsmith.